I started a series the other week on the various types of strength that we see throughout the Bible. The first week I talked about Abraham needing strength to believe for the promise. Last week I experienced vertigo for the first time in my life and was not able to post the second part of strength - strength to lead with Moses and Joshua. (I hope to do that soon.) This week I am still recovering from vertigo - thankful that the dizziness is all gone and now I just have a bit of wobbliness. (Is that a word?)
Anyways, "strength" is still very much part of my thoughts these days. We all need it desperately, whether it is physically or spiritually. I have needed it these past two weeks physically and the Lord is helping me daily.
I want to remind you that no matter what you are facing - be it physically or spiritually - that you can do so in our God! He has all that you need daily or even minute by minute. Psalms 71:16 says "I will go in the strength of the Lord God". When I say that, I am saying that I have made up my mind and am not turning back. I WILL GO! It doesn't matter what I will face. It doesn't matter what I will come against. For I know that it is not my own strength that is taking me forward, but the strength of my God.
Let's pray. Father, I thank You for the physical strength that You are helping me. And I thank You for the spiritual strength that I so desperately need. I pray for the person reading this that You will bless them today with Your strength to face things or come against things. Thank You Father for all that You do! We love You and praise You! In Jesus' Name, Amen.