Thursday, December 3, 2009


The other weekend was my son’s last football game. It was our second playoff game and we lost, thus no more football. We have only been playing football for the last three months and basketball has already started. It was time for football to end, but it would have been nice to go all the way to the championship.

My son, Stephen, has been playing football for this league for four years. This year was the absolute best! We had a new coaching team and my son learned more in this year than in the previous three years. It was a great year all around. The coaches gave Stephen opportunities to show his abilities and helped him to become a better football player. He’s not where he could be, but he is further along than last year.

After the lost, we were all very sad to see football come to an end. Some boys were teary-eyed and some were weeping. Some parents did the same. My son was one that was teary-eyed. And I was one of the parents doing the same.

The coaches made a difference. After every game the team quoted the Lord’s Prayer. The coaches corrected when correction was needed, but there was a ton of affirmation for the boys. The head coach and the rest of the coaching team left an imprint on my son’s life.

I got to thinking about the coaches leaving an “imprint” on my son’s life. I had to ask myself have I left an imprint on someone else’s life. Have I made a difference in another person’s life? Are they a better person because of me? I want the answer to be yes. I hope the answer is yes.

I realize that there could be someone out there that I have left an imprint but don’t know about it. That’s why Stephen and I went out after the game and purchased a thank you card to give to the head coach. We want him to know that he made a difference in someone’s life. If someone has made an impact on your life, take a moment to let them know. You will bless them in doing so.

What are some ways we can leave an imprint on someone’s life? Showing kindness. Mentoring. Visit and encourage people. There are many more ways.

Let’s leave an imprint of Jesus on the lives around us!


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