Terry had a great mission trip. A guy from our church went with him this year. In five days of ministry they seen 46 people accept Jesus as their Savior, had a pastor’s conference with over 80 pastors and leaders, and had a youth rally with 200 youth in a theater with no.heat. No.heat.at.all. In February. Where it snowed every day from Tuesday to Friday and there is still snow on the ground. No.heat. 200 youth. Don’t you find that just amazing? I am not sure we would have something like that here in America. In Romania, people of all ages are hungry for more of God in their life. The guys had many prayer partners which is such a great blessing. One night Terry was coming back from preaching. It was normally a 2 ½ hour drive through the mountains and the roads there are not like ours. Well, it was snowing. The roads were covered. They came across a truck that had jackknife. He sent out a tweet asking people to pray and pray they did. With the support of prayer, they made it back safely to the ministry base. People can be involved in missions even if they cannot actually go overseas. They can be involved in two ways: prayer, and giving. Without those two components, not much will be accomplished.
Pastors/Leaders Conference |
Theater where Youth Rally was held |
Snow in Romania |
Terry (center) at Youth Rally |
My husband is already planning his next mission trip to Peru in June. Thankfully the kids will be out of school and there will be no sports going on. (Maybe I can still get some meals cooked while he is gone.) Our daughter Sarah wants to go with him. He will be going with a team of about 20 people and part of what they will be doing is having kid’s crusades or the like. Sarah is interested in working with the kids. Terry wants to do evangelism. He should be able to minister somewhere every night he is there.
Other significant things went on in February. My two children had major birthdays! Stephen turned 13 and two days later Sarah turned sweet 16. We had a big family party and of course went out to eat for their birthdays. I now have two teenagers! It doesn’t seem possible. I am so very thankful for my two precious gifts! It’s definitely not always perfect, but it is all worthwhile. I shared with you that a lady in my church, Mary, did some cooking while my husband was out of the country. One night I had warmed up our dinner that she had made and Stephen says to me, “Mommy, Mary sure does have a servant’s heart. She does for people and never complains.” You know that blessed my heart! And it blessed Mary too when I shared it with her. I am very proud of my children. They are overall good kids and more importantly they have a heart for Jesus! When Sarah heard her daddy was going to Peru, she did not hesitate to say that she wanted to go to. Who knows what all the Lord has in store for her – and Stephen too!
Stephen - 13th Birthday |
Sarah - Sweet 16! |
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