Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Call to Come

Recently we got our first dog from a lady in our church. His name is Barney and he is a tiny dog, weighing only six pounds at eight months old. Sarah has been after us for a long time to get a dog. She has prayed and prayed for one. Now her prayers have been answered.

Barney is a good little dog. He came completely house trained, which is a huge blessing! So far he has not gotten into anything that he is not supposed to. Before we got him, we went out and bought several items that he would need. The first night he was home he sniffed every square inch of our house checking it out. We had placed his water and food bowls out for easy access. The first night he was home, I showed him where they were. I tried and tried to get him to eat something or drink water. But he would not. Over the first couple of days I would bring him to the bowls, trying to get him to eat or drink. He would eat a little bit – after I put a few pieces in my hand. I was a bit concerned but then I was told that it is normal and that he would start eating soon. After a few days, I noticed that he is eating and drinking more, without coaxing, which I am thankful for.

We are all like Barney at different stages in our lives. God has provided the bowls of food and water that we need. He calls us to come to the bowls but we will not. Everything that we need to sustain life is in those bowls – if we will only come.

Are you facing strong holds in your life? God has provided a way to tear down those strong holds. Are you facing a battle in your life? God has provided the victory. Are you facing an illness? God has provided your healing. No matter what you are facing, God has provided a way. He has called us to come, but it is our choice to come to the bowls that provide what we need. Today, is God calling you to come? Make the choice to come and receive what you have need of. He has provided everything. He wants you to come. He longs for you to come. But it is your decision. Don’t wait. Come today!

Let’s pray. Father, we thank you for providing everything that we need. We thank you for calling us to come and receive. There are some who are reading this that are facing tough obstacles. They need what You can provide. I pray for those who hear Your calling that they will make the choice to come. Once they come, they will be so glad they did. In Jesus Name, Amen.



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