Friday, July 24, 2009

Esther - Not Your Average Girl Part III

Background - Chapter 5
Esther puts on her royal garments to go see the king. When she enters, the king is well pleased with her. He holds out his golden septer so she may come forth. In acknowledgement she touches it. The king asks "what is it Queen Esther? What is your request? Even up to half the kingdom will be given you." (Esther 5:3) Esther's request was that the king and Haman come to a banquet she has prepared. At the banquet the king asks again what she wanted. She replied the same answer. As Haman left the banquet he saw Mordecai at the kings gate. Mordecai doesn't bow or rise. Haman keeps from saying anything and goes home. At home Haman brags to his friends and wife. He brags about how the king likes him better, how he got invited to dine with the king and queen. Then he brags about the satisfaction of seeing the Jew Mordecai sitting at the kings gate. His wife and friend tell Haman "to build 75 ft tall gallows and ask the king to hang Mordecai in the morning then go to the Queens banquet." (Esther 5:14)

After Thoughts
In this chapter you get two sides. First you get Esther being brave and going to the king. Then you get Haman's plan to destroy Mordecai. We still don't have all of our questions answered. So let's continue, shall we!!

Background- Chapter 6
That very night the king couldn't sleep. He commanded the chronicles of his reign to be read to him. While he listened, Mordecai's heroic action was read. (Remember when Mordecai saved the kings life?) The king asked if Mordecai had been honored for his action. The attendants said "no". The king wanted an opinion so he asked "who is in the court?" the attendant said "Haman". Te king wanted his opinion. When the king asked what should be done to a man the king wants to honor, Haman thought of himself. Haman said "for the man the king delights to honor, have them bring a royal robe the king has worn and a horse the king has ridden, one with a royal crest on its head. Ten let the robe and horse be entrusted to one of the kings most noble princes. Let them ride the man the king delights to honor and lead him on the horse through the city streets, proclaiming before him, 'this is what is done for the man the king delights to honor!'" (Esther 6:7-9) Te king said go and do just that for Mordecai the Jew. And Haman did not do it happily, but he did.

After Thoughts
Like everything else, God plans this chapter well. Two thumbs up God!! If the king would have slept he wouldn't have known that Mordecai saved his life. It was perfect timing because Haman was on his way to talk to the king about hanging Mordecai. So Haman's ideas weren't for him but for Mordecai. We'll see what happens in the next chapter as we continue to study Esther - not your average girl!

Submitted by Sarah.

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