Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My Shepherd Day 2

Psalm 23:1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.

Welcome back! We are continuing our look at our Great Shepherd, Jehovah Rohi. Yesterday we looked at several scriptures on Shepherd which will help in our discussion.

Today we will look at one meaning of Shepherd which is to feed. So God, as Jehovah-Rohi, promises to feed us, to give us physical and spiritual food. God cares for us!

Elizabeth George says “So why do we worry? Why do we worry about food and clothing? About finances and money? About security and the needs of life? We have Jehovah-Rohi!”

We have a dog, Barney. Now Barney does not have a care in the world. He knows that we will give him water in one bowl and food in the other bowl. And when the bowls get empty, or even low, we fill them back up – all without him asking us to do so. And frequently, we give him snacks just because. He trusts us to take good care of him.

The Shepherd is responsible for finding good places for the sheep to feed. The sheep never have to worry about what they will eat or even when they will eat. They trust their shepherd to take care of them.

So it is with us. I believe the key word is “trust”. We must trust our Shepherd, Jehovah-Rohi to feed us, to take care of us. I think this is a concept that we barely scratch the surface. When our cabinets get bare, our first thought is what are we going to do about it. When we need clothes or shoes, our first though is what are we going to do about it. We want to be self-sufficient, to work everything out by ourselves.

We are the sheep of our Great Shepherd. His name is Jehovah-Rohi. We can call on Him. We can tell Him our needs. We can trust Him, for He Cares for Us!

He feeds us physically, but He also feeds us spiritually through His Word. Just as we partake of physical food daily, we must also partake of spiritual food daily. Thus we must be ever careful what kind of “food” we partake. We must be careful what we watch on TV or movies. We must be careful what we read. We must be careful what we listen to. What we watch, read, or listen to must be pleasing to God at all times.

What are you feeding on? Is it good for you? Is it pleasing to your Great Shepherd, Jehovah-Rohi? If it is not, then put it away and stop feeding on it. Feed on good things.

Here are two thought provoking questions the author asks at the end of Chapter 1. Take a moment and ask yourself these questions:

1. How is your appetite for God’s food – for His Word?
2. Do you need to make any adjustments in your “feeding” habits? If yes, what are they?

Let’s pray. Father, we thank You that You are our Great Shepherd. You are Jehovah-Rohi. We thank You that You feed us both physically and spiritually. Help us to put away those things that we are feeding on that are not good or pleasing to You. Help us to trust You more to feed us physically and take care of us. We thank You Father for being our Great Shepherd, our Jehovah-Rohi! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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