Sunday, April 4, 2010

Death and Resurrection Day 5

Rejoice with me!  Our Savior, Jesus Christ, is RISEN FROM THE DEAD!!!  He Lives!

Matthew 28:6-7 (KJV) 6 He is not here: for he is risen, as he said.

Check out this video by New Life Worship:



  1. Hi Donna,
    Yes! I graduated from Lee in 1985. Cathy and Brian graduated in ’87, I think. My brother was there before me and my dad was there in the late 50’s. My grandfather went when Lee was called Bible Training School and Nora Chambers was one of his teachers!
    I was in Lee Singers for 4 years. Brian was, too. Cathy was a little sister for Upsilon…Brian was in Upsilon. Their oldest son is in his first year at Lee.
    I lived in Simmons Hall, then Cross Hall then moved off campus.
    I did not meet my husband there…but I met one of my closest friends at Lee who now lives in MD with her husband. They met there and he is the lead pastor at their church in the Baltimore area.
    My daughter was planning to go to Lee also but just before turning in her paperwork she decided to stay home and go to USF. It turned out to be for the best because the first day of her classes last August was the day I took Andrew to the doctor and got the cancer diagnosis.

    When were you at Lee?

  2. Donna, I am rejoicing with you. Thank you for rejoicing with me!!

    love, lisa
