Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Green Pastures

This is a picture of our dog, Barney, which my daughter recently sent me.  When I seen it, I immediately thought of Psalm 23:2. 

I have read "Quiet Confidence for a Woman's Heart"  by Elizabeth George.  It is a study of Psalm 23.  She tells us that food and rest are in those green pastures where the Shepherd guides us. Food is found in the green, lush pastures.  Rest is found when we lie down (as Barney is doing) in the green, lush pastures. 

Elizabeth George goes on to tell us that we can "partake of green pastures by 'having quiet times with the Lord.'"  Time spent in the green pastures in reading God's Word is very necessary.  We all know that our time in God's Word should be regular, daily and it should be ever increasing. 

Let's pray.  Father, we thank You that You make us lie down in green pastures.  We thank You that food is found in those green, lush pastures.  Help us to use our time in those green pastures to our benefit by spending regular time with You and in Your Word and may those times be increasing.  We thank You for being our Great Shepherd, our Jehovah-Rohi!  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

You can read more on what I wrote on Psalm 23:2a here.

Check out more Word Filled Wednesdays at Internet Café.



  1. This is beautiful! Amen! I like the sound of that book... will have to look into getting a copy for myself.

    Blessings to you, this WFW.

  2. I love reading Elizabeth George! Her books and teaching are such an inspiration. The picture, prayer and words you shared are a blessing. Happy WFW!

  3. i like the way you illustrated this scripture with Barney and the green grass. Our rest in the Lord is truly refreshing and comforting as we listen to His voice through His word.
    Blessings to you,

  4. I enjoyed this...we may need to watch our furry friends and learn to lie down and rest more often in those green pastures....

  5. Oh how I love the 23rd Psalm! What a great image - thank you for sharing it. That little pup is awfully cute...Loved your prayer, too! :)

  6. What a lovely devotional on Psalm 23 - which is so richly full of comforting and encouraging Bible verses. And such a lovely illustration. With 4 cute grand-doggies, I'll be thinking of this a lot. :)
