Wednesday, October 20, 2010

All for Him!

Romans 2:29 …And a person with a changed heart seeks praise from God, not from people. (NLT)

My children attend a small Christian school whose motto is “All for Him”. Before every game, after every huddle, the teams say these words. They are saying that their playing is all for Jesus.

During our mid-week service at church, the adults are studying the book of Romans. I have read Romans and heard sermons and lessons from it as well. During the current study, we have gone into a lot of the background and what is behind the words of Paul. It has been very good.

The other week as we were going through chapter two, part B of the last verse in the New Living Translation stood out. Immediately the school motto came to mind.

We see people around us, and perhaps our own selves, who seek praise and recognition from people. What came to mind is that if our words and actions are pleasing to God, then they will be pleasing to those around us.

May it be our desire and our lifelong pursuit to seek praise from God. Let’s keep our focus on Him and pleasing Him. In doing so, everything else around us will fall into place.



  1. Good post Donna... although I might add that when we are pleasing to God, we may not be pleasing to others at all. From my experience anyway lol.

    I loved your WFW... and the great graphics.

    Happy WFW and God bless!

  2. Amen! Have a wonderfully blessed WFW!
