Monday, October 18, 2010

Fruit of the Spirit-Joy

Galatians 5:22-23 (NLT) 22 But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!

We continue are reading of “A Woman’s Walk with God” by Elizabeth George. It is a study of the Fruit of the Spirit. Today we look at chapter three – “Offering the Sacrifice of Joy.”

The fruit of the Spirit is Joy. Galatians 5:22
…that your joy might be full. John 16:24

There are over 70 references to joy in the New Testament. In those references we read that joy was important to Jesus. “Jesus wanted his disciples to know the joy of fellowship with Him, joy to the fullest.” We also read that genuine joy is an expression of godliness. The author gives us three reasons to be joyful.
1. Our joy is permanent. The Holy Spirit causes this fruit to grow in our lives as we abide in Christ and walk in obedience.
2. Our joy is always available. Whatever the circumstances of our life, we have ready access to the Source of true joy anytime we turn to Him.
3. Our joy is inexpressible. We can’t explain why we experience joy when nothing in our life suggests we should be joyful.
Let’s talk about the difference between happiness and joy. Webster’s online dictionary defines happiness as a : a state of well-being and contentment; b : a pleasurable or satisfying experience. The author defined happiness as “a state of good fortune and prosperity related to and depended on our circumstances.” She goes on to say “Happiness can be a false joy and, since easy circumstances are not life’s norm, happiness is elusive.” “True spiritual joy is not happiness.” Our joy as Christians…
1. is not dependent on circumstances, but on the spiritual realities of God’s goodness.
2. is not based on our efforts, accomplishments, or willpower, but rather on the truth about our relationship with the Father through the Son.
3. is not merely an emotion, but the result of choosing to look beyond what appears to be true in our life to what is true about our life in Christ.
“…our joy is not ‘an experience that comes from favorable circumstances but is a sense of well-being that abides in the heart of the person who knows all is well between himself and the Lord.”

There are five sources of joy:
1. God Himself is a primary source of our joy.
2. God’s salvation is a great reason for joy.
3. God’s promises are another cause for great joy and His promises are many.
4. Christ’s kingdom is a reason for us to have joy in our lives.
5. Our future in Christ should also bring us joy.
The joy of the Lord is available to us any time, no matter what we are dealing with. We need to keep our eyes on God and not on our circumstances. “You and I cultivate the fruit of joy when we ask God to keep us walking with and abiding in Him.”

“True spiritual joy shines brightest against the darkness of trials, tragedy, and testing! And the blacker the background, the greater the brilliance. Similarly, life’s dark struggles make Christian joy more intense and our heartfelt praise more glorious.”

The author tells us how we can cultivate this fruit of joy in the Lord in our daily walk with God.
1. Offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually – even when you don’t feel like it.
2. Consider it all joy…when you encounter various trials.
3. Give thanks in everything.
4. Bless the Lord at all times.
5. Focus on the reality of God promises.
6. Look up. Shift your eyes and your hopes away from your suffering and focus instead on the splendor of God.
7. Obey God’s command to be joyful always.
8. Go to God to be filled with His joy whenever you need it.
Now all of these eight things are not easy.  We don’t like to encounter various trials, but when we do, somehow we must consider it all joy.  It’s not easy to give thanks in everything.  Sometimes not-so-good stuff happens to us, to our families.  Somehow we must give thanks in those times as well as the good times.  We need to lean heavy on God and He will help us.
Have you ever been around someone whom you know is going through a rough time, but they don’t act like it. They have a smile on their face, a chuckle on their lips. I can think of a young lady right now who is going through a family crisis. Looking at her you would have no idea what she is facing on a daily basis. She gives God glory and continually has a thankful heart. She is walking in joy.

What about you? Are you facing a difficult, dark time in your life right now? Count it all joy. Joy? Yes, joy. God promises us that the joy of the Lord is our strength. Again, lean heavy on Him and He will help you and strengthen you.

Here is a thought provoking question the author asks at the end of chapter three:
When do you find it hardest to experience joy in the Lord? How do circumstances generally affect you joy? What sacrifice of praise might you offer even when circumstances weigh you down?
Let’s pray. Father, we thank You that in You there is joy. We thank you that we can joy in salvation, Your promises, Your Kingdom, and our future with You. We thank You that no matter how dark the night might be, Your joy is always available to us. I pray now for those reading this that might be going through a difficult time. I ask You Father to help them, that the joy of the Lord will be their strength. I pray that they are able to offer a sacrifice of praise, to deliberately choose to give thanks in everything. I pray that You will help them to walk with and abide in You. Thank You Father. We love and appreciate You. We declare that there is none like You! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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