Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Indescribable Gift

My husband shares a story about an ultimate gift he received one Christmas. 

It was a head-to-head hand held football game. It was the gift that I wanted that year more than anything else. The anticipation was more that I could stand.  While my parents had gone to the grocery store one evening several days before Christmas, temptation got the best of me and I opened it. Once I examined it and played with it, then before they returned home I rewrapped the gift and nestled it back in the exact spot under the tree where I found it. That year that electronic game for me was the ultimate gift.

Indescribable/unspeakable – The idea is, that no words can properly express the greatness of the gift thus bestowed on man. It is higher than the mind can conceive; higher than language can express.

Paul speaks of a gift of a different kind, which is the ultimate gift. In the context of the chapter Paul speaks of the Corinthians generous heart to give to the needy Christian in Judea. Paul closes the chapter by speaking of the grace of God that was in the hearts of the Corinthians which cause them to be so generous. Paul then closes the chapter with these words: Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!

Jesus is indescribable because:
  • His Name is unparalleled
  • His love is unattainable
  • His sufferings is unimaginable
  • His triumph is unquestionable
Why did Jesus do all of this?  Because you and I needed a Savior!

Take time today to thank God for His Indescribable Gift to us, His Son Jesus!

Check out more Word Filled Wednesdays here!



  1. Great illustration and great post.
    Thanks for sharing this.

  2. What a lovely image to pair with that verse! And great thoughts on what is truly an indescribable gift -- beyond our understanding and ability to truly explain to others. It must be experienced!
