Thursday, June 10, 2010

Last Day and Struggles

Psalm 57:9 (The Message)  I'm thanking you, God, out loud in the streets,
singing your praises in town and country.

Today is the last day of school for my kids.  I am thankful for another great school year and for all the teachers that touched their lives and made a difference.  Sarah is now a sophmore (!) and Stephen is now a 7th grader.  They are so ready for summer!

Sarah has struggled in math for several years now.  This year she continued to struggle and was actually failing math.  She did great in all her other subjects, which we were thankful for.  She would get so frustrated with the difficulty she was having.  She would do great with the homework but not so great on the test and quizzes.  The last month or so she buckled down and went to tutoring twice a week.  The teacher gave opportunity for extra credit by doing a project.  Sarah chose to do math in design since she is wanting to become an interior design.  Through the research she discovered how much math was needed in this field.  Sarah is very creative and did an excellent job on the project.  She received a "97" on it, which we were thankful.  I found out yesterday that she made a "B" on her final!  Wow!  I was so excited for her!  This is the best she has done on a test all year.  Needless to say she was excited as well.  Plus, she passed the class!  She didn't get anything by osmosis.  No, she was able to do so by going to tutoring, doing the project for extra credit and doing really well on her final.  I am very thankful that she passed math and I am thankful for God's help in her life.

What about you?  Are you struggling in math?  Or are you struggling in something else?  Take heart today.  You can be an overcomer!  You may have to take some actions, like Sarah did with math, but you can do it!  Our scripture from yesterday found in Philippians 4:13 tells us that we can do everything through Jesus who strengthens us. 

Let's Pray.  Father, I'm thanking you today for a great school year for the kids and for helping Sarah to pass math.  She could not do it on her own, she needed Your help.  And You gave it in abundance!  I pray for those reading this that may be struggling, whether it is math or something else.  I pray Father that You will strengthen them and help them to be an overcomer.  Thank You Father for your goodness to us!  In Jesus' Name, Amen.


1 comment:

  1. He gently leads us through those tough times...wonderful for her to be learning to turn to Him during any struggles :)
