Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thankful for the Harvest

This year we decided to plant a small garden.  It has been so exciting!  The other week we harvested our first squash.  Now my daughter and I don't like squash, but my husband and son like it.  My husband has fixed it several ways.  We have had quite a lot of squash which we have given to other people to enjoy.

Today, my husband harvested our first cucumbers, green pepper and tomatoes.  It was pretty exciting when he brought them into the house.  To think that these vegetables came out of our back yard! 

It took a lot of work to have these vegetables to eat.  We had to till the ground, make the rows, plant the seeds, water, pull weeds, water and more water, wait and wait and water some more.  And finally when the vegetables were just right, he was able to start picking them. 

This reminded me of the story in the Bible about the harvest.  Jesus said that the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  Let's be among the workers!  What joy it will be to bring in the harvest!  It's not easy and it takes a lot of work and a lot of waiting.  Just as it was exciting for me to see the first vegetables from our small garden, so it will be for us workers in the harvest of souls!

On another note, this past Monday I spent several hours in the emergency room which I was diagnosed with vertigo, which is awful, just awful.  I had never experienced anything like it before.  I am still dealing with it, several days later, but it is getting much better.  I am thankful that it was not as bad as it could have been.  I am able to sit up.  I just can't bend my head.  I had been told that some people can't do anything - lie down or sit up without experiencing the dizziness. 

Let's pray.  Father, I thank You for the harvest we are receiving from our small garden and that we have been able to bless others with it as well.  I am also thankful that this vertigo that I have experienced the last several days is not as bad as it could have been.  I am thankful that each day it gets better and I thank You for Your healing touch on my life!  Father, I pray that we will be willing workers in the harvest of souls.  We bless Your name and give You all praise!  In Jesus' Name, Amen.


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